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Hi, there!  Thank you for visiting my page.  I'm Pam, wife, mother to two boys and a wild pup, veteran, social worker, photographer and procrasti-baker.  I live in Holden, Massachusetts.

I have always had a love affair with food. My mom was an excellent cook and baker and I have fond memories of family dinners and her making delicious treats.  She taught me food is a way to celebrate.  Celebrate you, celebrate an occasion, celebrate your feelings for another.  She once sent me a birthday cake when I was stationed in Afghanistan.  It arrived right on time and, somehow,  in great shape.  I now cook and bake with my husband and son for those we love.  It's my tangible way of saying how much I care for someone. I strongly believe food tastes better when made with love.

I took up photography when I had my son in 2017 so I could capture memories of our family beautifully and creatively.  Combining my love for food and photography was a natural fit for me.  So much of the food I make for me and friends has memories and emotion connected to them.  I love to photograph these dishes as a way to remember those fond times.  I hope I can create lasting images of your food that accurately depict the emotions you have when you enjoy them too.


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